We knew our daughter-in-law Jillian would be induced on Monday evening and probably have the baby on Tuesday, so we were full of anticipation. That was also the same day we took our departing missionaries to the temple prior to their leaving on Wednesday. We got word just 35 minutes before we left for the temple that little Remington Stephen Miles was born, but he wasn't breathing, so he was being taken in an ambulance to another hospital's NICU. Needless to say, we were extremely worried and upset, and here we were trying to 'keep it together' with these great elders. So, we knelt in prayer in our bedroom and prayed for our little Remi, and for Mike and Jillian at this scary time. We are so grateful for the power of prayer and the peace that comes with it.
We left with our elders to the temple and had a sweet temple session with them, and I felt grateful to be able to put our new little grandson's name, along with his parents, on the prayer roll at the temple.
After the temple, we took a picture together in front in some very windy weather that had rolled in! We then went back to the mission home for dinner. We also were able to speak with our kids and know that the baby was in good hands, and on oxygen to help him. The pediatrician said he was the 'wellest' baby he had ever sent to the NICU. So, we were very hopeful.
After dinner we had our usual testimony meeting with these departing missionaries, which I always love. I love to hear them share their thoughts on their missions and on the Savior. I wish everyone could experience a 'final missionary testimony meeting'. It is quite a special experience.
Wednesday morning we took these wonderful missionaries to the airport and sent them on their way to reunite with their families.
Then Wednesday afternoon we went back to the airport to pick up 16 new missionaries straight from the MTC! We just love getting new missionaries filled with faith, enthusiasm, and energy! It revitalizes us! We came back to the mission home for our usual training and dinner with them. It is so fun to just get to know them and chat with them and welcome them to the great Canada Calgary Mission! We also got word that night that our little Remi was doing great, and was off his oxygen, and they thought he would come home on Thursday--only 2 days in the NICU! What a blessing! He is so sweet and his parents were so anxious to hold him and snuggle him. They were all troopers through the whole ordeal--and we felt like prayers had definitely been answered. I don't know what people do who don't believe in a loving Heavenly Father and don't know that they can pray to Him for His help. He is there and he listens and He answers prayers.
Thursday was our usual transfer day and all of our missionaries got their new companions and went to their new areas. I love watching transfer day unfold! Missionaries coming and going, some tears being shed, many hugs given, and lots of love and laughter. It's a great thing to watch! And we only had one backpack left behind and one bag of bedding! But we found the owners and everything worked out!
So, it was a few days of emotional highs and lows, but in the end it all turned out just perfectly.
Little Remi in the NICU at one hospital with his dad and face timing with his mom in the other hospital! |
At the temple with our 10 departing elders! |
I told Elder Ajeman that I would drink 2 gulps of his unhealthy soda pop before he goes home-the one I always tell him not to drink! |
Our new missionaries at the airport! |
Elder Cushman with the trailer loaded up on transfer day! |
Transfer day--2 of our German elders in the middle! |
Mom, Dad and baby all reunited! Joyful! |