Well, another transfer week has come and gone! We sadly sent 5 missionaries home to their families, after completing their wonderful service here, but then we welcomed 10 new excited missionaries straight from the MTC! Transfer week is always a week of emotions for me. Our final testimony meeting with our departing missionaries is always so touching. To witness the amazing missionaries they have become is nothing short of a miracle. I wish everyone could hear their final testimonies--it is so powerful. I'm always a little teary in that meeting! But, I just think of their families waiting to greet them the next day, and I remember what it was like to have our missionaries come home, and it makes me so excited for them!
And then I love greeting our new missionaries at the airport and seeing their enthusiasm to be here. It's so fun to have them come, and meet them and begin to get to know them. I get excited for them to meet their new companions and get to their areas and begin being a missionary in the field! Transfer week is really such a fun week! We always tell the missionaries it is a great time to rededicate themselves to the work, and to set goals and make plans to have the best transfer ever!
Prior to transfer week we had to pack up and move downstairs to the basement of the mission home since the main floor is going to be remodeled prior to the new mission president coming in June. So, we have a makeshift office in the training room, but it is all working out fine. It can be a bit noisy when the workers are here hammering and pulling out tile, etc., but we make do!
On Saturday we began interviews again for this transfer, and so the cycle begins again! Today we were able to speak in the Highlands Park YSA ward, which was really fun. There were four non-members attending, which they were hoping to have happen. So, we had prayed and prepared in advance something to say that might inspire them to want to investigate the church and this wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are preparing for our Mission Leadership Council on Wednesday, and in 2 weeks we will have zone conferences. In between those we will attend our Mission President's Seminar, which is always an incredible couple of days as we are taught by the General Authorities over our area. So, we have a lot to do, and are excited for this new transfer. We are so grateful for the renewal of both body and spirit as we go about this work. So many times we feel so exhausted, but the Lord always blesses us to do His work, and we feel it. We continue to pray that we might be an instrument in the Lord's hands to bless our missionaries and this mission and help further the missionary efforts here in the Canada Calgary Mission. We love this gospel, and we love our Savior, and are grateful to have the blessing and privilege to be able to serve in this capacity.
Missionaries in the Bow River zone playing a p-day game! |
At the temple with our 5 departing missionaries! |
One more group shot at the airport before they leave to go home! |
And of course, one last selfie with them! |
Greeting our new missionaries at the airport! |
The main floor of the mission home under renovation! We now live in the basement! |
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