Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Ready for transfer week!

Last week we prepared for our transfer week this week--we did departing interviews with the missionaries that are going home, and we held our New Trainers' meeting for  the 16 missionaries that will be training the new missionaries arriving tomorrow.  This is always an exciting meeting as they receive an assignment to train.  Our assistants, Elder Grinwis and Elder Wolfe, gave great training for these new missionaries, and we had a lot of good discussion on what they have learned and how they will apply it going forward.  Afterwards we had a hotdog lunch upstairs in the mission home.
On Friday afternoon we drove to BC to not only participate in a stake conference there with Elder Matthew Carpenter of the Seventy, but to finish up our last zone's interviews for the transfer.  This is a little later than we usually like to do interviews, but being we had a stake conference to be to there, we put the two together so we wouldn't have to make the trip way out there twice.  It was a beautiful drive out--there are still so many yellow leaves on the trees in BC, and they had had just a little bit of snow, so it frosted the trees and was spectacular!  We're always grateful for good weather driving out there, because we've had some pretty treacherous conditions in the mountains passes there.  We had wonderful stake conference meetings and Steve was able to participate in trainings with bishoprics and ward mission leaders regarding the work which were very valuable.  We have been at a stake conference in the Lethbridge West stake before with Elder Carpenter, and we really enjoy him.  He was very inspiring, and also very genuine.
Today we go to the temple with 10 departing elders, who we will put on a plane tomorrow morning.  We are so grateful for their service and testimonies and faith.  It is a joy to see how they have grown in the gospel.  Every single one.  And we are so grateful to have worked with them in this great work of salvation.
Tomorrow we welcome 16 new missionaries!  We can't wait to meet them and have them be part of the great Canada Calgary Mission!
Love visits from our returned missionaries-Ashley King, Cassidy Taylor

Hotdog lunch with all the missionaries that will be training this transfer!

Beautiful landscape on the way to BC!

Elder DeYoung enjoying a cupcake in our car on the way back to Calgary from BC-he leaves tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found the blog! You will be welcoming my Elder on the 18th and I look forward to following the blog in the months ahead! ~Sister Arterburn
